Brigham and Women's Hospital
1620 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02120
Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) have a joint Hospital Medicine two-year fellowship opportunity through the BWH Division of General Internal Medicine and Primary Care (DGIM) and its Hospital Medicine Unit (HMU). The fellowship is located at DGIM, in the Longwood Medical Area and within walking distance of BWH inpatient units.
Founded and led by Dr. Jeffrey Schnipper since 2001 (and co-led by Associate Directors Dr. Anuj Dalal and Dr. Stephanie Mueller), HMU's Research Program is one of the most vigorous in the country. It conducts quality improvement research, health services research, implementation science, and policy research focused on quality, safety, and access to care within the inpatient setting. Areas of interest include:
Transitions of care (including intra-hospital handoffs, inter-hospital transfers, and the hospital discharge process)
Medication safety (including pharmacist counseling and follow-up, medication reconciliation, and opioid safety)
Health information technology (patient-safety dashboards, patient-facing mobile applications, health information exchange, artificial intelligence, and large language models)
Digital health equity, including in telemedicine, patient portals, and AI
Diagnostic errors and processes of care in the hospital setting
Patient-provider communication (around diagnostic uncertainty, patient safety, discharge readiness, and post-discharge events)
Health disparities (i.e. in the management of heart failure, inter-hospital transfers, disaster responses, Emergency Department boarding, and security emergencies)
The HMU has several clinician-researchers who conduct grant-funded research, as well as a larger group of clinician-educators and clinician-innovators who collaborate on research projects or lead smaller internally funded studies with mentorship from Dr. Schnipper and other research faculty.
A few examples from recent Fellows' research include:
Implementation and evaluation of a program to improve congestive heart failure care among racial and ethnic minorities
Multifaceted interventions to increase the documentation of Serious Illness Conversations among appropriate patients admitted to general medicine services
Association between exposure to intimate partner violence and hospital-based healthcare utilization
The effects of an AI scribing application on time spent with patients, time spent documenting admission notes, and patient impressions of the encounter
The quality, outcome, and healthcare utilization differences for patients who receive care at physician-owned hospitals
Provider perspectives on Epic "best practice advisories" (pop-up alerts) and other forms of clinical decision support
Optimization of real-time prescription benefit tools within the electronic health record
In addition to attending the General Medicine Fellowship didactic series, fellows take part in a hospital medicine specific curriculum, with topics including implementation science, digital health, and quality and safety fundamentals as they apply to inpatient-focused research. Fellows will have the opportunity to pursue a fully funded Masters of Public Health at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and will spend their clinical time as a hospitalist in the BWH HMU.
For more information about the fellowship and associated faculty, click here.